Aug 30, 2018 · This only happens when cold and once the engine reaches normal operating temperature this problems disappears entirely. The solution for this is ...
Mar 22, 2014 · Everything was normal. Has anyone experienced check engine light blinking and engine running rough? Any ideas what the problem could be? ----- ...
Oct 4, 2012 · Now my car never starts at the first time, i have to try once, twice, three times...sometimes more. The engine starts but he can't maintain the ...
Jun 13, 2016 · i have a logan (tondar 90 ,irankhodro) 2011,95000 Km. as soon as driving to mountain roads (meandered) the temperature indicator changes ...
Mar 31, 2009 · I am in the market for a Dacia Logan MCV. I have read on this forum that if I were to get a petrol Logan it would be better to get the 1.6L ...
Apr 1, 2010 · Am un logan 1.4mpi din 2008 cu 50.000km fara probleme in momentul de fata. In luna februarie 2010 eram in drum spre debrecen si odata se ...
Mar 4, 2022 · ambele se referă la “țintă volanta”(flywheel target,component in Poor condition)sau “volanta setată greșit”.Tot legat de asta mai apare DF 363 ...
Pentru procedura de reinvățare senzori (plus reînvatarea unghiului volanului, dacă tot am dat jos pe acolo, am schimbat cam totul pe la suspensia față, iar de ...
Dec 26, 2016 · Daca nu, poate chiar se blocheaza aiurea pompa de frana. Acum din alt unghi privim problema. Cum e infranarea asta? E ca o frana de motor? Sau e ...